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Ksenia Derouin

Nice to meet you,

I'm Ksenia

My passion is supporting small business owners, working mamas, wellness entrepreneurs, and creatives in fulfilling their vision with ease and grace. I'd love to work with you if you are looking for grounded and clear guidance. 

Ksenia Derouin

I remember drowning in work, fueled by caffeine and sheer willpower.

Then I built systems, created the right workflows, and boom! Transformed from a frantic freelancer to CEO of my own life – confident, in control, and with plenty of free time to spend time with my twin boys. 


Now, I'm obsessed with helping other business owners ditch the business-led blues and build empires that let them live life on their terms. No sacrifice is required, just smart systems and a sprinkle of my "been-there, kicked-its-ass" wisdom.


Are you ready to trade burnout for freedom?

Let's crack the code to wildly successful, wildly flexible businesses that fuel your bank account and your wanderlust.

Because trust me, you can have it all. 


Book your free consultation today and let's craft your personalized roadmap to success!

Get to know me

My top values

Integrity, creativity, community, service

I can't work without:

Fresh cup of tea

Whats important for me

Connection, laughter, and family time

My favorite Instagram pic:

Ksenia Derouin

My pride and joy:

Ksenia Derouin

​I am proud of my work and long-time collaborations with the following community projects.


Fancy Real Estate · The Space GR · Communitea GR · Lemura Yoga ·  Awarenow · The Center SF · LIB · Lucidity · Planet Home · Burning Man · Form Arcosanti · Enchanted Forest · Aum Vibe  · Holistic Underground SF · Holistic Underground Alter Leadership course · Women Alter at Allied leadership training for Embodied Resilience · Awakened Futures Summit · 906 World Cultural Center · Holistic Health Saloon ·  Discology · Spirit Weavers Gathering and many more.

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