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Kind words 

from my clients



Life & Relationship Transition Coach / Founder of Life Remade

I first started working with Ksenia when my coaching business was in its infancy. From conception to building an online presence, to refining my messaging, to changing my business model… I’ve continued to benefit from Ksenia’s expertise and guidance every step of the way. When you have a dream but lack a plan, it feels extremely frustrating and defeating. But with structure, strategy, constructive feedback and inspired brainstorming sessions, I’ve been able to take my business into a successful six-figure company and expand into having my own team. I plan on using Ksenia's keen eye for detail and vision to continue to up-level my business as I go. Thank you for always believing in me and helping me bring my dream to fruition. 



Women's Wellness Practitioner / Owner of The Space GR

Ksenia is a business powerhouse! She’s organized, thorough, and incredibly talented. She has been instrumental in helping me revamp my two businesses. She helps me feel confident about where I’m going as I level up my work. It can be scary to do it alone, but Ksenia is always there to hear my fears, concerns, and celebrate wins. I feel more clear in my message, finances and like I’m ready to be able to serve people in a more potent way.



Owner of Aum Vibe LLC // Southern California

Finding Ksenia was truly an incredible gift. I found her almost by accident, but the timing couldn’t have been better. In the incubation phase of a new concept for my business, I was searching for guidance on how to really ground those ideas into a solid, workable plan. Ksenia’s wonderful energy and ideas have given me not only the motivation to continue to move forward in the face of major challenges, but also an incredible approach to setting myself apart and marketing myself in a strategic way. I’m amazed by her ability to consistently drop in and know exactly where I’m at in the process and offer applicable guidance and real-time tools that allow me to be efficient, drop the distractions and stay in alignment with the purpose and vision of the project. Her approach is direct, lighthearted and fun. And that’s important because let’s face it, opening a business is extremely difficult. I’m now in a place where the doors are about to open. I’m giving birth to a long-time dream and Ksenia has been a huge behind-the-scenes support. In many ways, she’s been the midwife in the birth of my business. A true ace in the deck and secret sauce to success! I’m beyond grateful for her support and will continue to seek her out as a friend and mentor for many years to come.



Life and Leadership Coach, Director at Holistic Underground

Working with Ksenia leaves me with a sense of clarity, success and being supported. In our various creative and professional collaborations, I always know that she is going to show up 100% as a presence of empowerment and initiative while providing a compassionate listening ear and room for all present to shine. She is well networked, resourced and very skilled in many areas form organizational and business development to personal and spiritual growth, and if it's not her, it's someone she knows that's gonna be the perfect fit.

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